FatNarwhal Vision

What is Our Vision?
The FatNarwhal is for the new and the old. The FatNarwhal is the modern touch that the Finance world desperately needs. With everything becoming more complicated and so much to learn, and with so much that’s misunderstood, it could become overwhelming. The FatNarwhal adds a modern site that can offer you the education, information, and implementation tools into the world of finance and financial markets. The FatNarwhal will offer all of this with the right fresh touch just like our name “FatNarwhal.” We put a unique spin on old financial terms into something new that pushes forward a new wave of finance. The Narwhal is the Unicorn of the ocean, and because the world of finance is expanding into so many unique and vast matters the financial system is almost becoming as vast as the ocean but with an even more rarity of finding a good company that offers great returns. Therefore, we are here to help you find the Narwhals and get “figuratively” fat from the Narwhals (which get fat on the money you made).