Kelly Ortberg Soar in the Skies or Follow the Follow Continue the Recent Boeing CEO Trend
It’s been a little bit since we saw the start of Boeing’s new CEO and let’s take a really early initial evaluation to see if he is making some good starting moves to give investors’ confidence in him to turn a crashing company around. What Boeing had last was an absolute atrocity of terrible management and what seemed like complete neglect and simply caring for the company’s success. Now it’s time to see if Kelly can change those thoughts around and if so, could it be a good time to get behind this potential rebirth early with this new CEO.
Boeing was seen as a staple of American engineering and a top competitor to the French and their little airplane company, but as of lately, Boeing has continued to do the oldest trick in the book of consistently shooting itself in the foot for what seems like a while now. Whether it was the crashing of Boeing airplanes or the apparent lack of consideration for whether a door was put in correctly. But … on the somewhat bright side as Yogi Berrea used to say “It ain’t over till it over” and as for Boeing they’re hoping this Kelly guy could maybe steer this ship away from that cliff of doom. And his initial message seems to be pretty sound to start as he was just announced during their last earnings call which I guess was good as it put some hope in folks and distracted them from those numbers..ehh.
But yes, Kelly Ortberg seems from first glance to be a good pick by the board as he is someone who has been around and seen a few things when it comes to the Aerospace industry. His initial message of working alongside workers to solve these problems and hurdles that Boeing has run into lately with high production is something that will bring confidence in investors at least to start until we see if it works in the long run. But this type of commentary with the employees, being on the floor, and working alongside production is just something you want out of a leader and CEO. With stories already coming out that they removed assigned parking spots, and many different types of hierarchical aspects Boeing had will at least put the company on track to potentially be a better work environment, which could stem out eventually into earnings. So, I don’t want to speak too soon and say Boeing is going to turn it around now because that was what the last CEO was supposed to do and that obviously didn’t work out too well. But at least it seems he is working to fix what seems to be a large culture problem that Boeing has because it most likely isn’t lack of talent to why they ran into a problem, but culture and underlying methods put in that affected the company all the way down. And because Kelly is willing to go around and search all aspects of the company, it will only help fix that problem faster to become a leader in the Aerospace sector again.
So overall Boeing is still a risky play at the moment, but also still quite cheap even after the small bump it got with Kelly coming in as the new CEO. Which leaves Boeing generally speaking as a company you may want to just watch for confirmation with more aspects of the coming quarters with earnings and such or to simply play it long with confidence that it can work through the mud it’s in. But like always you are going to have to think for yourself on this one about what you are comfortable with as we are just looking at what it seems like at the moment.
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